football gem of the south LINHILL CELTIC FOOTBALL CLUB SLFA REGISTRATIONS SLFA REGISTRATION 2025 - LINHILL CELTICPLAYER DETAILSPlease choose if you have an existing player number or not. *Player Card No.I have an Existing Player No.I do not have a Player No.Player Card No.Name *Surname *Phone *Email Address *This email address will be used to send you a copy of everything filled out here.Parent Phone 1 *Parent Phone 2Address *Please enter your home address.Birth Date *I.D. No. *School *Please enter your school name if applicable.Grade *2024 ClubIf applicable please enter which club you played for in 2024.ClubPlease enter the name of the club you wish become a playing member ofTo be completed by parent if player is under 21Fathers NameHome LanguageMothers NameHome LanguageREQUIRED PHOTOS *Recent Photo of the Player roughly the size of a Passport.ID Photo *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileREQUIRED DOCUMENTS *A copy of maternal parent's identity document.ID Document *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileWhen Submitting your Photos, please ensure the images are clear. No hats or sunglasses. Use a white wall background and good lighting for best results.VERIFICATION OF PLYERS IDENTITY: PLAYERS TURNING 16 YEARS AND OLDER MUST PRODUCE A VALID SOUTH AFRICAN IDENTITY OR PROOF OF APPLICATION FOR THE IDENTITY DOCUMENT.PLEASE NOTE: SHOULD IT BE FOUND THAT A PLAYER HAS FALSIFIED ANY INFORMATION REGARDING THIS REGISTRATION, HE/SHE WILL BE BANNED FROM PLAYING FOOTBALL FOR THIS OR ANY OTHER ASSOCIATION.Indemnity and Consent Agreement As the legal parent/guardian of the player named in the Player Registration Form, hereby acknowledge that I have read, understood, and agreed to the following: I have read and understand the information laid out in the Indemnity Information Section, Player Code of Conduct, Parent/Supporter Code of Conduct, Privacy Policy, and Terms and Conditions of SOUTHERN LOCAL FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION. By checking the box, I willingly consent to the participation of the aforementioned player in Linhill Celtic Football Club activities and events. I understand the inherent risks associated with football activities and agree to indemnify and hold SLFA, Linhill Celtic Football Club, its officials, coaches, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, expenses, or losses that may arise from the player's involvement in club-related activities, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence. I also acknowledge and agree to abide by the Player Code of Conduct and the Parent/Supporter Code of Conduct. I have reviewed the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions and understand how the personal information will be collected, used, and protected by Linhill Celtic Football Club. By checking the box above, I affirm that I have the authority to consent to the player's participation in Linhill Celtic Football Club.Send Message CONTACT US GET IN TOUCH WITH US First Name *Email Address *Phone Number *Message *0 / 180Send Message