football gem of the south LINHILL CELTIC FOOTBALL CLUB CLUB MEMBERSHIP Linhill Celtic Football Club Membership FormMEMBERS DETAILSDate *Name *Surname *Home Address *ID No. *Phone *Alternative Phone *Email AddressThis email address will be used to send you a copy of everything filled out here.Name and Surname *ID Number *Date of Signing *Membership Fee for 2025 R400.00 We will only be accepting online membership registrations and payment by EFT. Bank Details Linhill Celtic F.C. Standard Bank Account Number: 00-286-683-8 Branch Code: 006005 Reference: Name & Surname Proof to be sent to: Membership Fees Include: Free Secure Parking during the football season, this applies to times during football activities. (training, games, tournaments, etc.) If you choose to remain at the club longer than the activity, you do so at your own risk. You will receive a sticker for your car to enter and exit as needed. If you need an additional sticker for your second car (wife or husband), this will be an additional R50.00 per car. Discounted facility charges (clubhouse, Lapa, braais) 25% Discounted entry fee, to any club events requiring entry fees, 25% TERMS AND CONDITIONS RIGHT OF ADMISSION IS RESESRVED NO smoking prohibited in the clubhouse We are a licensed premises. NO own alcohol to be brought onto our premises No drinking allowed past the “No Drinking” sign before the field gates Unauthorized use of any field is prohibited. Prohibited at the Facility Weapons Illegal drugs and paraphernalia Own Alcohol. We are a licensed premises with our own bar available. Pets and animals (other than registered and leashed service dogs) Fireworks, flares, and smoke bombs Fuel heaters Open flame grills (propane and charcoal). We have braai facilities. Remote controlled cars Scooters, hover boards, Segways and similar devices (automated and non-automated) Spray paint, powder, duct tape or any other substance to mark fields Metal cleats Laser pointers and laser pens Confetti Permanent Fixtures (nails etc. that will cause damage to the facility) Linhill Celtic F.C. reserves the right to terminate this membership if the member: Provides incorrect information on this form, Fails to adhere to the rules and regulations of the Facility Please note that Linhill Celtic Amateur Football Club has a zero policy toward racism Under no circumstances will the use of profanity or obscene gestures be tolerated against any player, opposition, match officials, spectators or coaches and managers on or off the field. No Member shall remove, damage or destroy any artwork, item of furniture or any other articles belonging to the Club. If a member or their guest causes the loss, damage or destruction of any such property as described, the member shall bear full responsibility and will be charged the applicable cost. Violence of any kind will NOT be tolerated. INDEMNITY I, the undersigned, with my details provided above, agree and understand the Terms & Conditions as stated by LINHILL, before commencing membership. I agree that by my participation in LINHILL, I hereby assume all risks, dangers and all responsibility from any losses and/or damages, whether caused in whole or in part by the negligence or other conduct of the Committee, Coaches and managers or by any other person. I agree to absolve and not hold responsible for LINHILL, as well as its Committee, Coaches, Manager or any other person associated with LINHILL for any losses, injuries, mishaps, medical issues and/or any other consequences of my decision to participate in the sport, as per details mentioned above. I understand that no financial and/or legal claims can be made against LINHILL for the prior mentioned issues. I understand and agree to follow all safety rules, regulations & procedures and in the event that that such rules and procedures not followed by myself, or others, it could result in my injury or death. I authorize the use of my photos, video, name, comment, game result, etc. for promotional purposes by LINHILL. I hereby indemnify LINHILL, Committee, Coaches, Managers and Representatives against any claim whatsoever that may arise during or as a result of my participation at LINHILL. I confirm that I have read the indemnity form and that I understand the content and potential consequences thereof.Send Message CONTACT US GET IN TOUCH WITH US First Name *Email Address *Phone Number *Message *0 / 180Send Message